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Welcome to Mumbo's Mountain!

people have been here since June 23rd, 1998.

What's New on "Wednesday 4/07/99"
Oh my gosh I updated!!!!! Now I'm saying pretty soon I'm going to hit 20,000 and gosh I'm not linked from YAHOO and I've still got lots of stuff on the Message Board and in the G-Book. Also I'm up to Gobi's Valley in my strategy. I hope to be updating a lot more and continue my great work on this site. Also my hotmail account got deleted and so I'm going to have to majorly work to straighten things out!

What's New? on "Sunday 9/10/98"
Sorry for taking so long to update but it's my birthday and I'm 11. Plus I added a lot of new codes to the Hut of Secrets. Do Check 'em out. Pretty soon my site is gonig to hit 10000 hits.

Welcome! Me Mumbo Jumbo and this my Mountain. Me teach you many things you need and might want know on game Banjo-Kazooie. So read on. Use Links on your left to navigate site.

Banjo-Kazooie is an N64 game that has a retail price of approximately $49.99 in the U.S.. I've heard it sells anywhere from $59.99 to $79.99 in Canada. I was lucky to get it the first day it came out. I have 100 Jiggys, 900 Notes, 24 Extra Honeycomb Pieces, most of the Mumbo Token, and I beat the Witch. Back to the game, it has 128 MegaBits, is Rumble Pak Compatible, has 3 Save Game Files, and was created by Rareware. If you don't really know much about the game and want to learn more, just go to the links on your left. Have Fun!

By the way, I have this cool program called ICQ. It has tons of cool stuff. You can do email, chat, messages, and more! My ICQ # is 14416029, and my nickname is "Mumbo Jumbo." If you want to be authorized so you can add me to your contacts just put "Banjo-Kazooie" in the request Box. I should authorize you. You can also contact me by AOL instant Messenger. My nickname is "NipprCrab." Or if you don't have either of those you can try me on Yahoo! Pager. I'm usually not on but my nickname is "MumboJumbo7." And last but not least you can email me at "" or ""

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Mumbo Jumbo.

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