After not updateing the front page sense Jone 30, 2000, I have finall decided that it is WAY past due for this thing to get a face lift. Hopefully I can get something constructive done. Well I got rid of that God aweful yellow background. Right now I don't care if anyone says I have a boring site, if it's ugly, I ain't doin' it!
What you will find in this badly constructed corner of the web:
*A collection of places to go on the web when you have WAY too much time on your hands.
*Quotes from the senile wise man himself.
*The ever popular BuenMalo publications: "Barney Story" and "Final Fantasy 7, Episode 2" (both in progress)
But remember, while web design is not our top skill or priority, as is our motto at Malo Moving and Storage says: It will get there, eventually!
Well, it might be a good idea to let some of the few visitors I've actually had let their voices be heard, so let's try to get some E-mail working here:
Please mail me with any sugestions, questions, or comments at
Well, regardless, this page will be under a constant state of construction, so please hang in there and watch out for falling plaster!.
Some of the exciting places on this page that are ready for visitors. Well, I'm starting to get this put together...