The Llama's Ass

my bank Click here to find out what size you really are

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Find out why Geocities is trying to kill me.

It's Big Moe.

I saw this on ign's gamecube Q site. Is it a Wayans brother? Is it Snoop Dogg?

I found this This isn't really there anymore, it was taken down.

Did I mention that my old page is out of my control? (This means I can no longer update it) Well, you can go take a look at it, it's exactly the same as this one, just with less stuff. Click here

I moved the things that are cool section here. I think it shows a greater desire for organization than before. Then again, who cares?

This page is just here because I put it here and need to have a forum for my gripes and complaints about life. It relieves a lot of stress and it doesn't annoy innocent bystanders.

I finally got a guestbook! Please sign and say whatever you want.

You can even view the damn thing and see who else came this way.


Apocalypse Now (bow and kiss the earth when you say that) is quite possibly one of the greatest war movies ever made. It's even better than Full Metal Jacket. It's not as funny though. If you haven't seen it, you're missing out on a piece of American culture. Where do you think the line "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" came from? If you didn't know before you read this, tell your computer to restart and lay down on your back with your hands under your butt, your legs straight and your feet six inches off the ground, and hold it until I say to stop.

If the fact that I am out of the army as of April 12th interests you, and you would like an experience like that someday, then click here, sign up for four years, and when you get out, you can have an experience like mine. FREEEEEDOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I got these from

These pictures aren't up on my pics site yet, but I have a class now, give me a break. If want to see all the pictures I rotate through, then click here.

The last comic of Batman and Robin was taken from here. I saw it at and decided to steal it because it is just too funny. Hey, at least I let you know where I got it from.

I just added a pic from this site to my pics page. It's Hotendotey. It is also offensive. Deal with it.



You are probably wondering why this is here. Well it's here because commo rules!!! Deal with it.



The biggest problem I have right now is the fact that people who are in charge think they know it all. They always want to do your job instead of their own, and they try to use their postition as an reason to tell you how to do your job, when they can't even do their jobs without your help. How do buttkissing assholes like this get in charge (besides the obvious)? And how do they always end up in charge of me? If you can answer this question, email me at the address below.

I had to update this page because some damned software program edited out all of the swear words. Of course it also edited out words like kill, picture, hate, and napalm. These words are everyday words in the english language. Kids hear 10 times worse from other kids, their parents, teachers, etc. This software program edited out words like these, but I can still use words like goddamned, asshole, and faggot. I would much rather have my kids or someone else's kids see the word kill on the internet, or hate, as opposed to something like: "that goddamn asshole faggot!!" Censorship has accomplished nothing in the past except for closed minds, rednecks, and narrow points of view.



If you want to then go ahead and email me. Feel free to send comments, suggestions, or whatever. I update as often as possible, but not as often as I should, since I have other things besides the internet to think about.



All of the opinions on this page are mine and I just don't care if you don't like them. If you don't like it then get your own site, and don't tell me what I should be doing with mine. Email me and I will even put a link to your page on my site. No reason why I can't be a nice guy. Please don't take this as an open invitation to get free exposure (as if this page counts as such). I reserve the right to change my mind or just put your name and email address up here and tell everyone to send and make fun of you and your kind.

As you can see, this page is here so I can make friends.


This page last updated on June 18th, 2002.

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