COME BACK SOON!!! This site made by Tucker Rotz. Thanks to Geocities also.
© 1997
Hey you broke my counter!!!!
Thursday, July23 11:06AMToday I got a bunch of video game MIDI's which bring back a lot of memories=) I remember the Final FantasyII music at 2AM trying to get past just "one more town". Anyways I'll have a video game MIDI page linked here very shortly, so until then have fun with the others!
Wednesday, July22 1:00PMI've decided which computer I want finally! I'm getting a PII 350MHz, 64 MB SDRAM, 56k modem, 12 MEG VooDoo2 graphics card!!!, 17 or 19 inch monitor, 8.5 gig of HD space, and surround sound speakers! I kinda figured the 400MHz one would cost too much per month, like over $100 so I decided to go with this one which will run me around $70 depended whether I use my mom's ISP or get my own.
Friday, July17 12:14AMWell I messed up and accidentally deleted all the South Park picture files from my directory so this will just be a MIDI and wav site from now on!! Hopefully I'll have a very comprehensive list of only the best MIDI's and wav's!!! I forgot to say this before but hopefully within a week or two I'm going to be getting a new computer! woohoo!! I'll finally be rid of this 120MHz piece of crap. If you want to see my new computer go on over to Gateway2000 The one I want is 400MHz, 128 MEG SDRAM, 56k modem, 8 MEG graphics card, 19 inch monitor, 14.4 GIG OF HD SPACE!!WOOHOO!!I can't wait but all I have to do now is talk mom into letting me get it hehe=)
Friday, July 17 11:54AM Today this site is undergoing some major reconstruction so if you see a lot of things that don't work then things ARE working:) I just figured out that geocites pretty much sucks and that Tripod is better but I'll still leave this page as a midi and wav page since it is fairly easy. Don't forget to go to my StarCraft page here. It isn't even nearly completed but I will let everyone know when it is completely done!
Wednesday, July 15 1:12PM I added a ton of new midi's to the midi page check those out here...sorry I was 12 minutes late=) If you have any requests please send them to me in email and I'll add them!!!
Tuesday, July 14: Added the South Park Wrestling page, uploaded about 30 new midi's. I should have the new midis on my around 1 PM tomorrow. I'm going to give the Pound Pupps their own site and free up some space because eventually I hope to put wav files on the Pound Pupps site. Added a guestbook-don't forget to sign it. Tomorrow should be a big day so expect another big update! Thanks for visiting.
Sunday, July 12: Tweaked all of the pages to make sure that they all worked and that the links worked...still having problems trying to get the frames to work
For now I'm going to leave the Pound Pupp's info here until I get the StarCraft page underway then I'm going to make the Pound Pupp's their own page.
Links to my other pages
2nd page (StarCraft)
Funny Wav's
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