
Welcome To Ahmad's Web Site


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Movie Page

Once again, I thankyou for visiting my web page. At the bottom of the page you can see your counter number. My other web page is:
. I found most of these images from. Quite cool don't you think?!?!?!: http://www.angelfire.com/doc/animate.html

And still graphics as well:

Now if you could spare some time, please fill out the form below, so we could get to know each other:

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Why did you visit my web page?
Ahmad Told me To Just Curious Found it by Accident Another Reason

Thanks a lot for filling out the form, look forward to your mailing box, I might be sending you some mail!

Does anyone know what time it is? The following are my two of the best games web pages these are Tomb Raider III and Tekken. For both,Tomb Raider III, and Tekken, I have two images you can click on to get there.

I you want to got my Tekken page then click here , or on the Kazuya Image

If you want to go to my Angelfire Contents page, then Click Here. If you want to go to my Geocities Contents page, then Click Here. Click on the animated letter box or my e-mail address (at the bottom of the home page) to send me an e-mail.
If you would like to go to my Angelfire then


If you want to search for something on the Web, you can just enter it in here, and click on the 'Submit Query'.
Yahoo! ] options
Click on the "Yahoo! Maps" to see the map of where I live.
[ Yahoo! Maps ]

[ Yahoo! Yellow Pages ]

Click on the "Yahoo! Weather" button to see the weather of my area.
[ Yahoo! Weather ]

Click on the "Yahoo! Quotes" button to find out about Yahoo.
[ Yahoo! Quotes ]


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