Here is the deal boys and girls. I have been going through a lot of changes in my life. Mainly, I am no longer in college and am an EMT working out of Kentucky. Due to the demanding schedule of my work, very little time is available for this page. However, I don't wish to leave you all out in the cold. Let me tell you a little about what will be here, and what you can see by clicking on the "Come Inside" link further down the page.
First, I will have as much information about Tolkien as possible. Secondly, I will have all my gathered knowledge of MiddleEarth and Tolkien's writings as possible. Thirdly, I will have a personal information page, so you can find out more about me. Other things you may find inside, if I ever get around to it are: A gallery of fantasy and Tolkien related pics, information about Magic and Spiritualism, and a page of links that I commonly visit.