The Doors To My Home Are Temporarily Sealed!

Here is the deal boys and girls. I have been going through a lot of changes in my life. Mainly, I am no longer in college and am an EMT working out of Kentucky. Due to the demanding schedule of my work, very little time is available for this page. However, I don't wish to leave you all out in the cold. Let me tell you a little about what will be here, and what you can see by clicking on the "Come Inside" link further down the page.

First, I will have as much information about Tolkien as possible. Secondly, I will have all my gathered knowledge of MiddleEarth and Tolkien's writings as possible. Thirdly, I will have a personal information page, so you can find out more about me. Other things you may find inside, if I ever get around to it are: A gallery of fantasy and Tolkien related pics, information about Magic and Spiritualism, and a page of links that I commonly visit.

If you wish to contact me, you can email me at:

Or if you wish to take a peek at my home, you are more than welcome to:
Come Inside

WARNING!!! Due to the high graphics content of my site, some slower machines may have problems loading my site. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

If you wish to find out more about the things I am involved in, try the following sites:

The official website of the Society for the Creative Anachronism

Lothair das RabeWulf's Home Page

The official Role playing group of Auburn University

The official Little Hall Crew website

The official Website of Poltergeist: The Legacy

The Official Tolkien Society, a Charity foundation

The Tolkien Enterprise Site. These are the people that purchased the rights to everything Tolkien related.

The Rivendell Group, a group organzied to discuss the affects of fantasy genre writings of the likes of Tolkien and others.

The Tolkien Shop, oddities, and hard-to-find collectables.

Rolozo Tolkien site, an incredible mix of quotes, FAQs, and pics.

The Tolkien Archive, containing many different things.

Tolkien's Oxford, a pic site of the life and places of Tolkien

The J.R.R. Tolkien Information Page (links to many Tolkien pages)

The Electronic Tolkien Encyclopedia Project

The Bawdy House Tolkien Memorial (great art!)

The Tolkien Collectibles Page (with links to other sites)

This is one of my personal favorite sites!!!! Blur of Insanity!!!

ERVLORDS Fantasy & Sci-Fi PICS
Ervlord's, one of the greatest places to get Fantasy and Sci-fi pics!

Of the Brave souls to enter my Realm, you are number:

This Lord of the Rings site is owned by
John Biedermann.

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