Welcome To RPG Combat Online

The purpose of RPG Combat is to provide a playing field for your imagination. We allow you to come up with character of your own design (or, if you prefer, characters taken from somewhere else), give them personality, histories, fighting styles/abilities, and their own personal strengths and weaknesses. We then give you a testing ground to pit your creation against those of other real-life competitors in the RPGC Tournament.

Getting started is the hardest, and most fun, part of RPG Combat. You will work with one of the Game Masters (ICQ Names "Nate" and "SmashOgre") to create, develop, and test out your first character. We will take you through your first battle and step-by-step show you how the rules work. If you want to study the rules before you put your first character together (as I strongly suggest you do) check out the Rule Book which is split into 6 sections. We recommend that you read them in order, starting with the Intro, following with the numbered sections and finishing with the "Level-Ups" section. The Rulebook was created by Nate Railsback, co-creator of RPG Combat and his opinions do not necessarilly (and often don't) reflect those of most of the competitors.

Brief History Of RPG Combat Online

The non-online version of RPG Combat began as a way to pass time for the co-creators of the online version, Nate Railsback and Adam Higerd, as well as Adam's little brother Ben, and their friend Phillip. It followed basically the same pattern that the online version did, only it was acted out in real life, which limited the list of possible abilities, and thus the HP/MP meters. It began to grow into computers when Adam, who is the most computer-literate of the current crew, began to store his stat sheets on his computer. It slowly moved further onto computers until finally there was a mix of online and real lfe battles going on. For a more in-depth history of the Origin of RPG Combat, click here. For a more in-depth history of how RPG Combat became Web-based, click here.

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Read what the current Players say about RPG Combat Online

Mike DeFillippi (DaFlipp)

Any questions, comments, or membership requests should be directed to Smash Ogre (aka Joshua S. Spell, RPGC Webmaster).