Was the best. Still good if you can afford the fees.
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"Chess is a ocean in which a mosquito can drink and an elephant can bathe" -- Indian proverb

Shareware Programs for Chess (and for playing Chess on the internet.)

Pictures on the theme of Chess

The Albury Chess Club for "Over The Board" Chess

Links To Other Web Pages

"There are more adventures on a chessboard than on all the seas of the world"

-- Pierre Mac Orlan

"On the chess-board lies and hypocrisy do not survive long." -- Em. Lasker

"You must take your opponent into a deep dark forest, where 2+2=5,

and the path leading out is only wide enough for one." -- Mikhail Tal

My name is Colin Finlay.
Phone 02 60 294208 or 02 60 294240
My work and home phone number is the same and I am a local call from Albury / Wodonga.

I am a member of "
Playchess.com" By Chessbase on the Internet. (See top)
My handle there is "Outland".
I am also the treasurer of the Albury Chess Club

The sound sample you heard was of the computer named HAL from the movie 2001.

Made with the help of HotDog Professional.
Built with HotDog

The opinions and views displayed on this home page are not necessary associated with that of the Albury Chess Club.