HOME You are here.
The front door to Moriah's Patch. The place where everything else flows out from and returns to.
Come back here to read about updates to this site and any other form of news.
STRATEGY The section dealing with the Diablo Strategies.
Currently this encompasses the proper use of Chain Lightning spell at high levels and the TeleFlash strategy in visual splendour.
More strategies will be implemented either by request or as they are developed.
GALLERY A collection of screenshots taken from Diablo from some of the more memorable moments.
Mainly from friends of the webmaster, though some of the webmaster's own characters are in there.
STORIES Currently empty.
this section will come to include various bit of prose on the (virtual) lifes of the characters of the webmaster from selected games.
Definitely not limited to Diablo.
FORUM The forum.
A message board for those who'd like to leave a note for others and to ask help regarding HTML and other technical computer problems.
Currently still under testing, yet fully operational.
A FAQ will be accessible from this section for those who feel they have an easy question.
LINKS The essential links collection.
PERSONAL The personal section.
This has the webmaster's CV online.
Otherwise, not much to say, except that you will see an ordinary life from an ordinary bloke living in an ordinary community in an ordinary society (in an ordinary country on an ordinary planet).

4 July 2004 Change of topic, here is an AC2 resource:-
Moriah's Crafting Guide for Newbies..
7 Sep 1999 Added a background randomiser JavaScript.
31 Aug 1999 The Forum now has a link back to the Home section (this page).
30 Aug 1999 Added a navigation bar to the home page.
Changed the big balls into a sitemap.
17 Aug 1999 Added the TeleFlash how-to to the Strategy page.
Early August 1999 Some tweaking and small cosmetic changes.
Late July 1999 Ditched the Frames, changed the entire look, reset the counter.

This site is composed from vanilla HTML 4
and is best viewed in either Netscape Communicator v4.xx
or Internet Explorer v3.xx
at a screen resolution of 800 x 600 x 16

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