SafeSurf Rated All Ages

NWARNING! This page is under major construction!!!!N

This is the page where you can get awesome cheats & tips and links to other cool pages.If you have any questions, comments, or news, email me Now, all you gotta do is choose what you want to do.

You are the person to visit here.

Enter your dead digimon here at the


Look at the grave yard

Cheats Page

Do these cheats work??

Click here to tell me!

Here is the

Digimon Biography Page


And here's a printable

Check List

Got a Story about your Digimon?

Write one here!

(Note: Due to misuse, this link has been turned off.)

Read the stories here

Or, got a question? Then

Are you just getting plain sick of digimons?? Well, then

SafeSurf Rated All Ages

Oh! and don't forget to look for my banners on the web!: