Now that I have secured my own actual web space outside of Yahoo! GeoCities, I'm transferring this site, Cave Bahamut. I'm gonna go ahead and say what I like now, without fear of reprisal from the soulless corporate juggernaut that is Yahoo!.

You guys suck big hairy donkey balls. I have been dissatisfied with my site ever since Yahoo! bought GeoCities. It was just fine the way it was, but NOOOOOO, you asshats decided to change everything around and make it all next to useless. And the whole daily bandwidth limit thing—about three people a day come here, and it still went down. If you, too, are shackled by Yahoo!, I urge you to get the fuck out ASAP. And, in conclusion, I highly recommend that anyone from Yahoo! reading this do two things: Sit on it and spin.

With all my love, Daniel, Lord Bahamut

Cave Bahamut's new location: Please update your bookmarks (HA!!!) to the new location.

Copy-yeah-right © 2003 Daniel, Lord Bahamut. No rights reserved, since Yahoo! makes certain claims of ownership to ALL content hosted on GeoCities sites.