The Ultimate RPG Help Page

Just so you know, I'm going to be gone for some time. This website will be pretty much the same. If you have any ideas, please e-mail them. I'll still get them, I just won't be able to do much for a while. Thanks for any advice.

Please give the picture time to load, because it's a little slow at the moment. Thank you.

"The Dragon is Lord of Air and Water
The Phoenix is Lady of Earth and Fire
The Griffin is Soldier of the Sun
The Pegasus is Messenger of the Moon
The Unicorn is Cleric of the Stars
The Harpies are the Loyal Subjects"

--Jeremiah Davis, on the Heirarchy of the Avian World

My Poll
What is the greatest RPG ever created?

Current Results

Welcome to my web page! This page was last updated on Wednesday the 30th of May, 2001. If you want help with any of the following list of games, then you've come to the right place. (NOTE: I am adding more games to the list as I play and complete more games.)

Chrono TriggerDonkey Kong Country 1, 2, or 3Final Fantasy V, VI (III), VII, or VIIILufia 1 or 2Star Wars: Episode 1 RacerSuper Mario RPG

This page was created, edited, and designed by me, Jeremiah Davis--also known as the Mage Of Silence. Please e-mail me with any questions, comments, suggestions, or problems at I am currently working on the site, so please report any problems that you may experience. By the way, if you have the time, could you please stop and sign my guestbook? My guestbook is now back online (I think) after months of being offline! If you have tried to sign my guestbook in the past but were unable to, please sign it now.

I've got a new counter system up and running. You are the...

visitor to hit this site since February 9th, 2001.

Obviously, the easiest way to contact me would be to e-mail me.

To sign my guestbook, click: Sign Guestbook.
To view my guestbook, click: View Guestbook.
To learn more about me, click: Info About Me.

Also, check out a site that belongs to a friend of mine who goes by the name of Calcfreak901: Calcfreak901's Web Page

Click these links to go to their respective pages within my site:

Sadly, I will no longer feature Pokemon on my site. There are many other sites better suited to it. Plus I want to make room for my new page coming in...Lufia 2!

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