Welcome to surf.to/Lunar

Welcome to my Lunar: SSS website! This is the first time I've updated in a long time, and it will probably be my last. I'm not interested in Lunar anymore, and don't want to continue maintaining this site. I've made some last improvements that I hope you'll like, and you can still chat on the message board. Just because I'm not maintaining the site anymore doesn't mean you can steal whatever you want. If I find that any of my content has been stolen, I will still care and make sure it's taken down, so please don't take anything. You can still email me with any question you may have, but I have added an FAQ so you might not need to. Enjoy the site, I might even be back some day to... finish the walkthrough ^^;

- Character Profiles
Pictures and Profiles of all the main characters.

An incomplete walkthrough made by me.

Answers to frequently asked questions.

Some pics I've collected or scanned.

-Message Board
Chat with other Lunar fans, or ask questions.

English and Japanese lyrics to Luna's songs.

-Email Me
If you have any questions or comments, email me.

This is my adopted dragon, Flee.

All content (c) Kelly 1999, 2000. Don't take anything from this website without my permission.