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Final Fantasy VII


Hello, I am your host Catatonic
A.K.A.  Hamster-boy, or you could call me Jordan?

     Welcome.  Welcome to a story of magic and dreams.  Of a love that can never be, and a hate that always was.  Where there is a thin line between light and dark!  A story of good verses evil, where hope is the only thing left to hang onto....  and it's fading fast.  A place where everyone fights for something different, but is a common goal for all.  You might be wondering where such a place exists?  Welcome.  Welcome, and enter.  {The greatest hit of 1998 is not coming to a theater near you.}   Final Fantasy VII....

  I have updated my FF7 page. I thought it would be more helpful if I organized it.  This page has two address a short one and a long one.  The short one doesn't work very well on some browses so if you want you can type in the long one at the top press enter and it will take you to this exact same page.
  Hey!  You guys must be enjoying my site.  I am getting great reviews in my guestbook.  And you people that ICQ me, thanks!  I love to hear from you!  Anyone who tells me my page is the best is a friend of mine.  I have updated a few things and I am looking for something new to add to my page.  Still looking for fanfics and great FF7 artwork so pass it this way!
This page is best viewed in Netscape I suppose?  And, a resolution of 800 x 600, because that is what I use and it looks fine on my computer? 

                          -Jordan (aka Catatonic)
                                 web master of Neo-Midgar

Please bookmark this site now for future reference.
if you don't you'll be sorry......     Oh and please sign my guestbook people!!

      We have some really exciting news int he rumors section.  "Is there a way to get Aeris?"  So check it out.  Okay I worked hard.  It took me like 45 minutes to copy this thing so read it for me!  Also I have replaced those ugly MIDI's with ones that come straight from the game.  So it sounds real instead of a keyboard fake.  Plus I have like a ton more of them.  So check it out!  And I added a new section, it's all about those other Final Fantasy games that I love too much.  Have fun!  Stay Frosty....

      I put some more links up and tried to fix some old links.  Nothing much to change though.  I did find a really cool paper on why Aeris isn't in the 3rd CD.  But I have to copy it and so far my homework has been more important.  But hang in there!
      Okay I finally checked out my links page.  Guess what?  All of my links, well the sites aren't even there anymore!!  So i will be on the net looking for newer more permanent sites to post as links!  Thanks to Sephiroth 3:16 for having a site that stays!

      Wow haven't worked on this in a long time huh?  Well I have fixed all the fanfics I can.  I know have two so if anybody would like to send me some I would gladly take them!  I had a bunch but Geocities thought they would be funny and delet them!  Well I managed to save two.  Other things I just fixed some of the pages layout and things like that.  Nothing much to report but I hear that Final Fantasy 8 will be coming out soon.  I don't know the exact date but in my links section there is a page dedicated to it and they will have more information.  Still looking for people to link me, help get this site known because people seem to enjoy it.

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Send all email to some guy named Bill, okay!?  Great.....

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Final Fantasy VII is a product of .  Game rights belong to them.  This is not the official site.  All the other pictures I have either made myself or have gotten off of other sites.

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