
These are some files that have been sent to me,
or that I've found ,or whatever .
NOTE: These downloads are in *.zip format. You will need a zip program to be able to extract them. 
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1. This is a silly little game . a slam on Bill Goetz
2. Computer  This one will SCARE the Hell outa ya ! dont worry its fake!!
3. This is a sound wav of a duck having sex. you wont look at Donald the same ever again
4.   This one will let you make custom names for QUAKE (like a clan tag or whatever) It's cool !!
5.   This one will show you how to test your beef for the DREADED MadCow Disease Check it out
6.   This one will let ya know if your havin a bad day or not :)
7. Joe and the   This is Hilarious ! Poor Poor Joe (warning strong language)must use windows media player . dont know why
8. SOUTHPARK GAME   This one is a Silly little game that NO ONE should be without !
9. Priceless This one TRULLY is "Priceless" . Laugh out loud funny.
10. Viagra.exe This will show you the effects "Viagra" will have on your PC.
11. This Cartoon is well ...alittle wierd.
12. Snowfight This little game lets you play against the computer in a virtual Snow-ball fight.
13. Eggbasket Can you make it in a high volume egg factory? find out now with "EGGBASKET.exe".
14. Quake 2 Patches Ver.3.20 All the latest Patches are here just click on the one ya need. You will find them in the middle of the page.
15. Atomic Clock This is Probably the Best download I have. It will reset your computers clock to that of the NAVY's "Atomic Clock" and you get the Actual precise time of day.
16. Bored Meetingthis is good .Be sure to click on all the icons.
17. The Matrix This is the Best Screen saver I have. It will reset your computer's screen saver to look like you are viewing the Matrix code.
18. Combo # 5 Have you ever wondered just what they put in Chinese food? This cartoon will show ya .

This site is being added to daily
please come back & If you have somthing that should be here send me an E-mail and let me know about it.

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Last Modified: Monday, January 31 2000
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