Final Fantasy 7 Forever

Final Fantasy 7 Forever

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April 10, 2001

I have now beat Final Fantasy 9, Chrono Cross, and Xenogears (finally!). Feel free to email me with questions about any of those games. The Squaresoft hit Crono Cross (sequel to Crono Trigger) was released on the 16th of August in the states, this game I highly recommend you buy. Final Fantasy 9 was also recently released, I am in the process of constructing a webpage for it. So if you have any questions about Final Fantasy 8, 9, Chrono Cross, or Xenogears, just drop me a line and I will respond as soon as I can. If you wish to contact me by AOL, my nick is Messiah Libertad, and by ICQ my number is 36716967. And for those of you who play Starcraft, my battlenet nickname is davidff7. If you don't play Starcraft already, I recommend it, it's a great game that makes you think and is a whole lot of fun. Xenogears is an awesome game and it's defenitely worth playing if you liked FF7. There are many options, 2 battle systems, and the best story (IMO) that Squaresoft has ever come up with.

August 20, 2001 ---- Hey all I just moved to Paris so if you are there or have some contacts there, or if you know anything about the gaming community there drop me a line. Also I have heard news of a sequel to Xenogears, if you have any information on this email me, thanks. Au revoir.

October 17, 2001 ---- Hey again, FFX is coming out in the states around summer I heard, and Xenosaga also (I think this game is being produced by Namco and not Square).

November 12, 2001 ---- Updated site with Alexa information statistics.

December 26, 2001 ---- Final Fantasy X released in United States! Unfortunately I'm in France and can't get it for another six months :( . But my friends have it and tell me great things about it, so to all you video gamers, this is THE game to buy. The main characters speak, no more text as in previous FF's, although the NPC's will not speak. The graphics are very good, the gameplay awesome, so hurry to your local store before it's sold out!

May 31, 2003 ---- Wow, it's been a long time. Anyway, I'm finished with Final Fantasy X now and hopefully I will be able to purchase Xenosaga soon. I added some of my personal projects and school work to the "My other pages" section of the site to give this site more of a homepage flavor, and less of a bland information page.

March 7, 2004 ---- Checking in again, added information to the new Final Fantasy 7 movie coming out soon (awesome!), also I finished Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht. The graphics are amazing, and although the game is produced by Namco and not Square, they have done a good job and made a game worthy of the Xenogears heritage. I wouldn't say the storyline is as revolutionary or innovative as Xenogears, but good graphics, astounding cinematic scenes, and decent gameplay make this a must-play for RPG regulars. I also picked up Front Mission 3 dirt cheap on Ebay (I recommend that anyone looks here first for their games, if you are low on cash and looking for a good, cheap source of RPG's), and it combined good gameplay with a great storyline, portraying the geopolitical situation of Earth approximately one century in the future.

Play Triple Triad Online!! This is a great system, and for those of you who like Triple Triad, or anyone else, it's defenitely worth checking out. You can find me online as davidff7.

If you have any questions about the game you can email me at