A Cheat Area!

Nintendo 64
Personal Computer (PC)
Sega Saturn
Sony Playstation

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Up-to-date news about this site!
7/15/98 11:10 PM

I redid the PC cheat area. But there still is no other page here. Sorry! :( More tomorrow on the PC cheat page.

7/14/98 8:10 PM

Sorry that I didn't updated earlier, but I had things to do! Now, the main page is converted to a better format! It took me a couple of days, but now the main page is finished! Hope you like it! I'll probably work more on it tomorrow. :)

7/6/98 9:00 PM

Yesturday, I added more cheats but forgot to write news. Sorry! And on July 4th, I didn't do anything becuase it was a holiday. Again sorry! Well today, I added 1 more cheat. Thats not much but I had no time. More tomorrow! :)

7/3/98 11:05 PM

More stuff added to the PC Cheats, so take a look! :) Working more on it tomorrow.

6/30/98 8:38 PM

I did a lot today. The PC Cheats now works with some cheats actually displayed. I will work on it more soon! :)

6/29/98 11:13 PM

My site is under major constrution! Everyday I will be updating it. Hope you like it!

Chan, A.
Last Updated 7/15/98 10:15 PM