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Kebarsis Alchemaster | ||||||||||||||||
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The Dark Path to Redemption Our journey begins in the lands of Norrath, on the continent of Kunark. Deep in the Fields of Bone, lies a city of decadence and ruin, full of evil lizardlike men called Iksars. These beings worship, amoung others, a fiendish god named Cazic Thule. In the bowels of Cazic’s greatest temple, a ceremony is coming to completion. A new shaman has arisen from the ranks of acolytes and laymen to spread the power of Cazic Thule across the realms and to make the other peoples of Norrath fear the Iksar once more. This shaman’s name was Kebarsis Alchemaster, and this is his story. Kebarsis began his life totally devoted to Cazic Thule’s evil path to the dark mastery of the arcane. He spent many seasons traveling the realms of Norrath, spreading fear, mistrust and discord throughout the other races. Good, evil, neutral, none stood in his path to power. Many quests did he undertake in the name of his god to further both his own position within the hierarchy of the Iksar and in the eyes of Cazic himself. Accomplished in the ways of the arcane and in rituals of summoning and destruction, Kebarsis soon wearied of following paths others had trod before him, paths set forth by others deemed greater than he. It was then that he met a small band of adventurers who were of similar temperament and decided to use them for his own personal gain. This band called themselves the Damned, and long did they follow the path Kebarsis set before them from the shadows. Never actually leading, but always directing the path taken by them. Finally, after much work and research, the way was opened to begin to realize the first of Kebarsis’ true goals. He had discovered a way to enter the realm of Cazic Thule himself. But the time for that confrontation was not yet upon him. During his travels, Kebarsis had met some other people that began to make him doubt his goals and way of life. One of these fateful meetings would change him in ways he has never fully comprehended, even to this day. After much studying and many dungeons delved, a traveling companion of Keb’s, one Soluran by name, had unearthed a great sunken keep that was told to hold vast magical treasures for those willing and able to seek it in the depths of a place called Dagnor’s Cauldron. Soluran shared with Kebarsis his research and asked for aid on this most perilous of journeys. Along with them went many other brave souls, not all of whom survived to tell the tale. One person in particular had a great impact on Kebarsis, the priestess of Tunare, Janstars. Over the next few months, Kebarsis and Janstars had many fateful and perilous adventures, coming closer and closer together. Finally, Kebarsis began to question his faith and motives. He realized that he was falling in love with this priestess and that the world was not all as he had originally envisioned it. He began a new series of quests, to gain trust and favor with the elves and other goodly creatures of Norrath, in an attempt to win Janstars’ favor. He also began to spend more and more time with her adventuring companions, The Protectorate, a group formed to work towards ends of good and weal. Eventually, the day came when Kebarsis could walk proudly into the largest and strongest city of the high elves, Felwithe, and be recognized as friend. On that day, he asked for Janstars hand in marriage, and she accepted. Life, unfortunately, has plans for us that we can not always foresee. Cazic Thule was not pleased with Kebarsis or his actions of late. He had great plans for his follower, which were not coming to fruition. Unbeknownst to Kebarsis, Cazic began to plot anew. He laid traps in Keb’s path to put him back on the path to greatness Cazic envisioned for him. Kebarsis and Janstars went on many more adventures together, along with many members of The Protectorate both in Norrath and the planes beyond. After a time, Kebarsis realized that he must complete one of his earliest goals, albeit with new reasons behind it. He must confront and defeat Cazic Thule himself if he is ever to be truly free to follow his own path and be with his true love. Kebarsis and Janstars gathered to their side a small group of mighty adventurers that they had met in their travels, and prepared to infiltrate the Plane of Fear itself and confront the god of the Iksar. After an epic battle, all the minions of Cazic were laid to waste and all that remained was the avatar of the god himself. With no minions at his side, and many brave and hardy adventurers arrayed against him, Cazic fell to the friends’ combined might. Finally feeling free of the influences of Cazic Thule, only one thing remained linking Kebarsis to his fell past. With Janstars at his side, and many friends and compatriots from both within and without The Protectorate, Kebarsis managed to break the final link to his past by invading the home of his birth, the base of power for the Iksar race, Cabilis. A time of peace fell over the lands, a calm before a new coming storm arose. The gods left Norrath for a time, abandoning their followers to their own fates. Kebarsis and Janstars planned their wedding, and many quests were completed, many a mighty creature felled, many vast treasures uncovered through the efforts put forth by The Damned and The Protectorate. Lost dungeons were rediscovered throughout the lands, and entry ways to other planes of existence were opened and explored. Before the wedding of these two adventurers could take place though, Janstars disappeared from the face of Norrath. Kebarsis called upon all his powers and all the friends he had made throughout his travels, to no avail. She was no where to be found in Norrath or any of the planes of existence that he had traveled to or heard of. After months of exhausting search and travel, Kebarsis also disappeared into the mists. What no one knew until now, was that Kebarsis had found entry way into other realms of existence. He traveled the ethers for many weeks, visiting world after world to find his love. At last, exhausted and at the end of his formidable powers, he found a clue that led him to the world of Azeroth. As he tried to force entry into this world from the ethers though, the goddess Elune stood in his path. “I know much of you and your search young mystic.” said the goddess. “Then why do you bar me entry into your lands Elune?” After much discussion, Kebarsis found that there was yet another price to pay for his quest to be with his love. Elune would grant him entry into this new world of Azeroth, but not in his present form. He would become one of her followers, the night elves, and serve her as a hunter or he would forever be barred entry into Azeroth. No longer would he travel the planes, no longer would he be a master of the mystic and arcane. Kebarsis agreed to her terms, pleased to lose the last few ties to his old way of life. To Kebarsis’ great surprise, Elune and the other deities of the Alliance had brought other heroes from Norrath to this land to aid them in their battle against the mighty and deadly Scourge forces. Once again he was reunited with the members of The Protectorate and went on many adventures with that stalwart band. But still his final quest was left unfinished, his love was still nowhere to be found. Kebarsis had two loyal followers in Norrath who had stuck with him, even when the path of his life changed, named Numelen Traptapper and Vumadar Chantabar. At his wits’ end, Kebarsis beseeched Elune and the other deities of the alliance to bring his loyal companions to Azeroth with him to aid in both his search and their struggle against the Scourge. After much discussion, the gods agreed to this plea. Then one day, Vumadar was pursuing the goals set before him by his mentor Kebarsis, and he happened upon a young human priestess also named Janstars. Of course, he contacted Kebarsis immediately and a meeting was arranged. Janstars was disbelieving of this story at first, but she did arrange for Kebarsis to meet with her mentor, a night elven hunter named Chausser. To his great surprise and relief, Chausser turned out to be his long lost love, also transported to this world by Elune! Today, the two hunters travel the world of Azeroth, apart at times but always only temporarily, battling the Scourge with their friends in The Protectorate. Always hoping to one day complete the bond that they forged in the world of Norrath, and one day be married under the banner of The Protectorate. Bathed in the light of Elune, always awaiting the day when there remains no more foes to be fought and peace can be achieved for all time. The End…? |
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Kebarsis & MaGilla | ||||||||||||||||
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Behind the Toons: | ||||||||||||||||
Name: | Jerry L Biggs | |||||||||||||||
Email: | ||||||||||||||||
sycosis28@hotmail.com | ||||||||||||||||