Welcome to my role playing game site. Here you'll find my latest game system and some stuff about game worlds. You can also find older stuff from the previous site if you are interested. If you are new to role playing games I suggest you go to John H Kim's site through my links page and there open the link "What are RPGs?".
I have completed a new streamlined version of the GBBS. It's now a pdf file.
The Good, Better, Best System is a minimalist, freeform, universal set of rules. You propably need some experience in RPGs to appreciate it's beautiful simplicity.
There is also a short Reference you can print out after you've read the system through a few times. It should fit on one page. As you may guess, this is the "original version" of the rules. I expanded these to make the longer version above.
The New System is also a minimalist, freeform, universal set of rules. This time the approach is more game-like. The stats have numerical values. This system might be better suited for powergaming than the GBBS. This system is still under construction.
The Campaign seeds section has all the non rules-related stuff, including some ideas to use as a basis for campaigns. While the system itself will hopefully not need any new versions, I hope to add this other stuff here often.
On the Links page there is a small but very high-quality list of links. You can find lots of good ideas to integrate to your flavor of GBBS.