News For 10-28-01 - The end of geocities and thank you - I like to thank geocities for hosting my site for over 4 years, and I truely appreciate the amount of time and money they have spent in making it a nice place to have my homestead, but with their new ad I had to move. This site will remain, with no updates(but once every 20-30 days or so that geocities does not close the site for good), pleace check out the new place <-- :)
Final post by SilentDevil @ -02:15:53 PM EST
News For 10-17-01 - 2 cheaters exposed - On Monday we scrimmaged cK - clan Kapitol on de_prodigy. They beat us, but technically we won, because of SD's PB screen shots 1 guy was clearly cheating with read glowing models and an aimbox over his torso. w00t. second, we got m0nk3y. he got a #114 violation and you can see it here . Updates will follow regarding the new website and new leagues starting up, etc
Lorenzini @ 18:27:09 PM EST
News For 10-16-01 - Working on New Site! - I got a new domain, no ads no crap that geocities does, so I'm gonna move it there over the weeks, its gonna be leet. Got a busy week with school so I dunno how much i can play on my terrible college ping. More to come
SilentDevil @ -4:30:00 PM EST
News For 10-14-01 - yay - Purplemonkeydishwasher aka Pmdw has joined :D Ronin has left like a fgt for r3z, his "local clan". pretty gay huh =\
Other news: H-A, BiTE and CAL-open are starting back up so we can get some matches again. buh-bi!
Lorenzini @ 23:33:09 PM EST
News For 10-10-01 - Stuff - internet has been so slow lately that I haven't been able to even log onto geocities and post on this bitch. Anyways, Ray seems to have risen from the dead and he still hasn't told me how he did it. Welcome him back, and SD, put him back on active - I think?
<(''<) <('')> !
Lorenzini @ 14:18:09 PM EST
News For 10-10-01 - Roster - We moved Rayjiano to inactive list for obvious reasons. Also we made a few new movements as well as letting Strider into clan, gj man. Also we have an extra spot available for another player, so hopefully that will fill soon as well. Spade has shown some intrest so we shall see. Peace out my brothas, leagues restart soon!
SilentDevil @ 07:02:03 PM EST
News For 10-07-01 - Week in review - Lots of crap has been happenin this week! Some peoplez been talking about skippin home, but hes gonna remain nameless here, so we wish him the best if he does run away. My money is that he will end up goin back within 2-4 days, but thats just me cuz we liek him whooping up in matches for us! Suprizingly +Blunt+ came back into action one night this week and whooped up in 2 scrimmages! Surpizingly he still got it, awping 5 in 1 round with 175 ping, mistar leet! Lets see, ChildZplaY got his mic working, and suprizingly the first things outta your mouth was something dirrogatory towards me, LOL uncool. He sounds old in rw, but he is, so this sentence makes no sence. We finished season 1 CAL:O with a 6-2 record and failed to make the playoffs cuz they r stupid. I probably forgot more, but you know me, I'll just add it later. PS archived news ô_ô .
SilentDevil @ 01:42:15 PM EST
News For 10-03-01 - Reminder to Zini n Stuff - Reminder to Mistar Lorenzini to change the date and time when you post, seems u fux'd up, so I laff at you! Hah! Still gotta teach Q how to post, then probably we will have news everyday, whoa. Now on to the imporant stuff; due to the amount of requests to join TmO and my seeding process working, I've decided that anyone who wants to continue to be a tmo recrute or potential recrute must pm me on icq or aim or irc tha they want to continue, but I will not personally tell you, you must use the site (this 1) as your only source of information, you have till 10-05-01 to msg me or I delete you from the roster of prospects. Good Grief Charlie Brown!
SilentDevil @ 12:54:21 PM EST
News For 09-30-01 - Just want to let you know... We have a new member, Rayjiano :D Welcome him warmly to TmO. Also...We have a forum, and it works fine. Let's use it =o
Lorenzini @ 23:11:46 PM EST
News For 09-27-01 - Won teh match :D - ++ played [BLIND] today and sex0red their blind butts =\ . 23-1 in favour of TmO was the result of this de_prodigy match. We've been having 2 guys trying out: Strider and Triggerhappy. Strider is played in a prodigy scrim and knifed 4 guys who all had guns (must I go on?) and Triggerhappy is Ronin's friend. His mic is gay and he's pretty good. Anyway, let's keep on scrimming and we'll continue to play well; it's a good formula for winning matches. gg [BLIND], gg TmO.
Lorenzini @ 22:51:06 PM EST
News For 09-26-01 - Never got to express my feelings - I never got to express my feelings on Aaliyah. Born Aaliyah Haughton in Jan 16, 1979 in Brooklyn, NY and tragically parted Aug 25, 2001 in Abaco, The Bahamas. I always enjoyed her music, though I never would admit much, but her songs had great rhythms and beats with peoples like Timberland and Magoo. Her music will be missed, and this one is for you:You could be blind, but you gon see it when you need to see it, you gon be fine cuz you gon be here when you need be here, youre one of a kind first free your mind and then you'll free your spirit.
SilentDevil @ 02:03:04 PM EST
News For 09-26-01 - This is my first post ever, so be nice =\ Anyway, things in the clan are going well. After our well-played de_nuke match with (gs) came our de_aztec match with =OC=. I wasn't able to be there, unfortunately, due to traffic school (goddamn cops). Anyway, we lost by one. We have a match on Thursday for CAL, and hopefully SD will get PG rolling. Vroooooooooooooom gg.
Lorenzini @ 13:30:00 PM EST