Hey there! You've stumbled into a little spot on the web that we've dedicated to a number of our characters in the Living City Campaign. Living City is an international Advanced Dungeons and Dragons* campaign set in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting and run by the RPGA. In this game, players throughout the world create characters and continue to play them as they advance in experience, as opposed to traditional RPGA events, where participants play pre-generated characters. Wizards of the Coast sponsor the RPGA Network and an unbelievable staff of volunteers primarily runs the Living City Campaign. For more information on becoming part of the fun in Living City or any other RPGA events, check out the above links or drop me an email and I'll be glad to help get you started.
*Living City is currently run by AD&D 2nd edition rules, we will be converting to D&D 3rd edition as of Gencon 2001.
Lady Knight Nadia Firestar-Brightsun, of the Phoenix
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