May 5th, 2000

"I came, I saw, and I failed."

Well, this site is closed for now, I'm sorry to say. I'm currently on hold with another site right now, and if that site becomes a reality, I will put the link here. The one staff member that was perfectly fit for the job was away for a while, which delayed quite a few things...

Perhaps it was wishful thinking, I don't know, but I tried this for close to a year and a half, and it just didn't work on my part. Sorry folks, and I'm glad that I reached a high amount of visits (In my standards anyway). Maybe one day in the future, this site will reopen, not right here, but at a completely new place. I guess a 14 year old isn't quite capable of organizing a site of his own... I'm still rather disappointed that I gave up on this place... Sorry people. I leave you with the ruins of what was in my hope to be a new location for Squaresoft fans of all types, and eventually competing with other fan made sites, until I achieved a high status... I apologize to emails I didn't reply to, as I had given up on this some time back. Also, I apologize to those who were looking forward to something being here. To those, I present entrance to the Incomplete Ruins.

The Incomplete Ruins of the Square Lair

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I just have to make it more dramatic, with the music and all...

At the Bottom of Night