An invitation for you...

subMission email group for subs/slaves only...

subMission will be a safe haven for subs/slaves to come together
and discuss/share information on any topic relating to either
cyber or real time relationship/family issues and bdsm.

It is the aim of subMission to create an atmosphere of acknowledgment 
and sharing; of validating people's needs and issues and offering
assistance and advice from others that may have been through the same. 

On my travels in cyber I have found that sometimes subs/slaves feel 
intimidated by Dominants in certain email lists hence the decision 
to start subMission. 

Looking into the future we would eventually hope that the sub/slave 
community can assist it's members in real life, running workshops 
and *get togethers* so we can expand and grow as a caring community.

ffairlady (list admin)

Rules : 1. Don't use people's real names unless you have their permission. 2. Personal attacks will not be tolerated. It is inappropriate to: a) attack someone for having a particular *kink* b) attack or criticise someone for holding a view different than your own c) degrade an individual because of their communication ability. 3. If you break these simple rules you will be given a warning. Two warnings are all that is allocated in this list. A third time and you will be removed from the list. 4. This list is not to be used for Dom/me *bashing*. There is a difference between discussion about Dom/mes and making personal attacks against them. It is suggested you do not use the nick of your Dom/me if you wish to discuss an issue that involves your relationship with them. 5. Unless you have been given permission to do so by the poster, we ask that you do not take issues from this list to others not belonging to the list; particularly your Dom/me. It may well be that someone needs to post an issue that touches upon your friends or those of your dominant. For this reason we request again that you maintain the privacy of the poster.

How to subscribe: Email In the body of the email type "subscribe subMission" (your email address) You will get a reply email from just follow the instructions given. How to unsubscribe: Email In the body of the email type "unsubscribe subMission" To post to the group email, your message will then go to everyone on the list. If you change your email address: If you change your email address its best to unsubscribe from your old address then re subscribe with your new one.

Email me


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