Under major construction

That was a lie for the better part of a year, but with my semi-free time in the near future, I'll be tweaking with this page a little, or a lot, so you just have to visit often and see!

Hi! I'm constructing this page out of sheer boredom and the inexplicable desire to stake out a chunk of webspace for myself. :) I'm a UCSD student majoring in Biochemistry (God knows why) but with an avid interest in the martial arts, the outdoors, basketball, tennis, legerdemain (sleight-of-hand), and games of all sorts (mahjong, chess, arcade and role-playing games in particular). The purpose of this site is to share my interests with my friends and anyone else who happens to drop by.

Um, to give myself an idea of what I'm putting on this page, I've created some links--most of them probably don't work yet. :P Any ideas? :)

College Bound
My MvC Fanfic
Robin Hobb Fan Dedication Page
RPG Archive
Some really bad poetry

"Make-up should be like the seasoning, not the soup."

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Arpeegy Hobbies, Games, and Specialty Items

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