Dynamite's Blasting Zone

Welcome to Dynamite's Blasting Zone. In addition to giving you all the greatest tips for your favorite RPGs, I'll lend you strategies for other games as well. So just pick a category and have fun!

The Dynamite Hall

Status Report and Such
The Aftershock

Blastees have entered the Blasting Zone

Click here for the latest news.

The Blasting Zone was last updated on November 15, 2002.

Special Thanks

--RPGamer for the use of their game logos.
--Geocities for allowing me to have a web site.
--All of the people who supported me throughout this project.

All the trademarks are the properties of their respective owners and are used by permission.

This page is under construction unless otherwise noted.

This site is MSIE and Netscape-friendly. Best viewed in 800x600 in 16-bit color.

©1997-2004 Dynamite Force
You can also contact me on ICQ. My UIN is 12205289. I'm also on Yahoo Messenger.

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