Well, if you're reading this, then you must want to know more about the greatness that is Hutch University. At present, I don't really have much on this site. The main thing you want is over at Monkey Spit. They have the distinguished honor of hosting my comic. So then what's the point of this site you ask? Well, any and all side projects that I wish to undertake are going to be posted up here. There is the Extras Page that has, well, extras. Pretty much just little bonus things, such as stories, buddy icons, whatever the fuck I feel like making really. There's not too much on there yet, but as the summer progresses, there will be. I'll also be doing more for this site. I have plans to add in more sections, possibly a movie reviews, comic reviews, bring back my column, when I finally get my Wacom tablet, maybe even a sketch gallery, who knows? I've got tons of stuff that I want to do. How much of it will actually get done? Probably not much of it. Although, I do have lots of spare time now, so if I would actually get to work on stuff, it would all happen. But whatever. That's about it for this little intro, until I feel like writing a better, more accurate one. peace.
ETA: I will probably never follow through on any of this.