Welcome To
Shwag's Quest for Glory Page of Righteousness
(and Evilness)
HEY!!! This is Shwag (formerly Gomer). Since playing QfG 5 my Quest for Glory spirit has been rekindled. A QfG 5 Stat Raising page will come shortly, so check back in a while! Thanks to everyone who signed my guestbook, you guys are great. Please e-mail any suggestions, tips, or comments to me.
Check out Sierra's new game Quest for Glory: Dragon Fire
Visit the FACS Message Board!!
I've played Quest for Glory 5 and it ROCKS! My email address is still gomerfart@hotmail.com. I may never get my links section done, because I have too much crap to do. There still is a txt file of all the address I've collected so far.
Raising Stats Made Easy!
There are a lot of tricks, tips, and shortcuts to raisng skills in Quest for Glory. Click here for ways of making life a little easier. (These pages contain some other secrets as well)
Quest for Glory 5 (Coming Soon!)
Quest for Glory Music
Click here for some QfG midis I have collected.
Quest for Glory Icons
Check out my icons. They were all personally drawn by me and look pretty good!
Please Sign My Questbook!
Read My QuestbookSign My Questbook
The Official Quest for Glory Homepage
Here are a bunch of links in a txt file
(I will try to get all your links up here sometime!!!...probably not)
Remember... while the art wasn't drawn by me, I did put a lot of time into editing around all those nooks and crannies. Please don't be a lamer thief.
This page has been visited an incredible times. Keep coming!
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