. photography page .

Last updated January 04, 2004

DTango's J.K. Potter Page
Potter is a remarkable photographer
and darkroom artist.

Begun June 23, 1998
Last updated October 8, 1999.

Ensign "All Distance Pocket" Camera
Can you help me identify
this camera from the
Second World War?

Begun November 28, 2000

I was just introduced to
the work of Scott Mutter,
which is similar in technique
to JK Potter's. See some at the
American Museum of Photography:

Scott Mutter

Jello Biafara

From "I Blow Minds For a Living" (1991):

  • GrowMorePot.mp3
  • Voting.mp3

    From "Beyond the Valley of the Gift Police" (1994):

  • BanEverything.mp3

  • Send Me Mail:

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