The Realm of Andos
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I am Andos the Desert Scribe. In "real" life I truly live in the Arabian desert somewhere east of Kuwait and Bahrain, although I originally come from a long way away in a land downunder.

The "Realm" Andos comes from East of the Ascetos Desert and stumbled into The Realm while on a quest to avenge the death of my loved-ones at the hands of trolls. This quest has been going now since mid-'96 and in that time I have made many friends and had wonderful times.

Please read of my adventures on the Andos link above. The tale "The Trap" is a story based in the world of The Realm. I hope you enjoy it as I am proud of it.

The technical tips page is my offering to help other Realmers enjoy this world more. The "Quest for 1000 Views" is an offering to show appreciation that The Realm even exists at all.

Thank you for visiting my home. My sword, my service is yours.

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