Aaron Thorne's Home Page
Welcome to the next phase of the Internet. Yes, I have finally decided to do the blog thing. Future news from me will be on my blog, and probably not repeated here. The good news for you is that this means that I finally have incentive to actually clean things up around here...
Hockey Sites
NHL.com, the homepage for the National Hockey League, is a good jumping off point for learning more about hockey on the net, and getting news on your favorite teams and players.
The St. Louis Blues are my team, and I live and die by how they do. This means that I have done a lot of dying in recent years...
Board Game Geek is THE place on the internet for board games. Every significant designer is there, their message boards cover everything imaginable; it is just the bestest.
GMT Games products a large chunk of the games I have in my collection. Their P500 project for pre-ordering games is the greatest thing ever, and has gotten me to buy noticeably more of their games than I would have otherwise. They occasionally have inventory clearance sales that let you get quality boardgames for great prices.
Noble Knight Games is a web store that specializes in selling out of print games. They carry a very large variety of games and support products. I have purchased from them many times and have always received good service.
Japanese Animation (Anime)
Anime Dream is a good place for general anime news and reviews of anime videos and soundtracks. I am the soundtracks review editor for the site, though we have had trouble getting any real action over there for the past year or so.
If you are looking for just reviews of anime videos, it is hard to beat Anime on DVD. They've covered almost everything released on DVD since the beginning. It is mainly just one guy's opinion, but he has lots of opnions!
A good site for all-around anime news and views is Anime News Network. This is the most complete coverage of anime and manga on the internet. I'm there at least once a week.
If you're looking to buy anime over the Internet, I've had good experiences with Robert's Anime Corner Store. They have really good prices and a pretty good selection, especially with their import soundtrack CDs.
Another place I buy from is The Right Stuf. Their normal prices aren't as good as Robert's, but they occasionally have awesome sales that can save you a ton of money.