Da Pirate's Page

ARRRRR Maties!!!

Ye found Grunk an' Cao's Pirate Guild Page for da Realms of da Dragon MUD!

If ye been to da site before ye may start noticin' sum changes. An' if ye never been here before ferget me mentioned anyting.

Here are sum werds ye can click on to take ye to sum more werds, and sum purdy pictures too!


If ye wants to travel da Realms of the Dragon just telnet to: port 3000

© 1999 jake@ind.cioe.com or Grunk@beer.com

Minus 1, fer yer visit, and dis how many times me visited me own site:

Since February 2, 1998

This Realms of the Dragon Ring site
is owned by Grunk and Cao.
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