CyBeR AsYlUm

PadDeD foR yOuR SaFTy

SaNiTy Is ThE plAygRouNd oF ThE UniMagInatiVe

Hey Kids! Look whats back! .. This obnoxious, mis-spell't
annoying place! hehe.. I brought it back.. why? .. because I
was Fackin bored! .. so... links and all the old shit will be back up soon.. for now.. enjoy my chaos.

Excuse me.. A little note from me..
I crafted the cyber asylum over 5 years
ago with html bullshit, and its still the
same, things never change, I took a
wrecking ball to it over 2 years ago then decided i wanted it back,
so without any planning i took from memory what i had
if you dont like it..
that aint my problem..
deal with it...
chaz manegment.


tattoos and other body parts

Heeeeeeeereeeee's Johnny!

This is dedicated to JTHM
if you dont know about him
then get into the underground of comix. This part sucks *shrugs*

Your Not Worth It If You
Need An Expliantion.


Leeenks Mang.. go on.. push me!


My Chaotic Thoughts.. Rambling may cause brain hemorages..

VieW mE

siGn Me

I made this page in 10 minutes. Can u tell?

God fuck look im back at 0 again.

This is all I'll make you scroll. Yes the
Font colors are off.  Im lazy. Bite me.
This is the end... welcome to the worst
page on line.
...or one of.
