Take a walk in my garden...

MUSH - Half the reason I did this page.


Crossed Swords ------ Sanctuary ------ Academy of Magic

Charius ----------------- Danelli

Sstars/Eden ------------ Fairmir

Vryolaka ------------ Alchera

Quotes - IC and OOC quotes.

Writing Stuff - Writing I have done, mainly to prove I'm not all left brain.

Links - See where it says 'links' a couple words to the left... that's what they are.

Personal stuff - More information on moi. (Coming Soon)

Have a need to bring something to my attention? Go ahead and mail away, then.

[Working on it] Note: This is a work in progress. I may have lead you to believe there would be more, but there is not at the moment. Read the previous stuff over again if you need more. Eventually, there actually will be more. Of course, after that new stuff, you'll be reading this again.

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[Recycled Bytes] A Big thanks goes to the Graphic Station, where I grabbed a couple images out of their selection.