(02/23/2000) I'm back, at last. Happy millenium to all. Thanks to my joining a writers' group, I now have an extra little incentive to write again. Following my good old editor's instincts, all I really want to do is bitch about what I don't really like in games writing, so most likely my "Editorial Bitchin'" column is the one that's going to be the most updated from now on. While working on my first contribution to the Writers' Group, I developed a little world concept that combines Heinlein's Starship Troopers with writers standing in for soldiers & officers. I jokingly called it "Ball Pointe Academy," something that would be part of my Editorial Warfare contributions to the Writers' Group. I had fun doing it, so you can expect I'll be adding more installments after this first one.

No articles yet, but stay tuned. More to come.

NormandBilodeau's Foxhole

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If you've got comments, questions or other stuff you'dlike to inform me of, please don't hesitate to emailme. Have a nice day.

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