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on my Web page!
Hi! My name is Matias Rahja and this is my Web Page, simply called AMR's
Web. In here You can find my Metallica-page, links ans something information
about me and of course, My Guest Book (don't forget to sign up...). All
graphics I have done myself with Paint Shop Pro 4.1 Win95-version and Adobe
Photoshop v. 3.05 Win95-version too and little scanning work (you'll see
which ones). I hope that You enjoy these pages. I am very sorry for every
errors which is in these pages, I am human, so I can make some mistakes...
If you think that the main text is too small, then tell me, so I can make the text bigger.
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Suomen kotisivuluettelo. Lisää omasivusi, minun on
jo siellä !!!
Feel free to email me. Comments, ideas, everything. I'll be
very happy for every message what I get. And if You notice any errors (dead
link, writing errors, anything), mail to me, that I can fix it. Okay?
© Matias Rahja, These pages has been done with ReVoL Web
Worker version 1.3 and it is tested with Microsoft Explorer 4.0 and Netscape
Communicator 4.01a
Last Updated - 4.11.1997 15:56:03