Last Modified 7-29-98
My X-Men Site Including Marvel Super Heroes RPG: Cyclops' Danger Room
My Transformers Site: Ratchet's Ark City
Ratchet1 and Jedilad's Mac Command and Conquer Site
Favorite Web Pages
note that everything on this page belongs to Marvel Entertainment Group
and Hasbro and is strictly for informational use. TSR reserves the right
of all the Marvel Super Heroes RPG and AD &D stuff. Westwood reserves
the right to Command and Conquer. Blizzard reserves their right on Diablo.
No copyright infringement is intended on any of these companies at all.
Please fell free to download anything and everything on this Page. This
page is here for the enjoyment for the general poplualce. This page will
hopefully be very successful in the future. This page is a dedication to
Marvel and it's wonderful characters, the wonderful world of Transformers,
great Games, and my friend Dean. I currently use a Power Mac 7200/90 computer
and have an Iomega Zip Drive and a Umax scanner. Todays world is filled
with so many legal things it is hard to know what is illegal, so if I have
infringed on anyones previous ideas please let me know. If you choose to
"borrow" (that's the nice term for take) any of these images please
feel free to do so and download at your own discretion. If you get a virus
while downloading don't blame me because I did not put it there. This site
owned, operated, and updated by Matt Gray and should not be used by anyone
else without his personal authorization.
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