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Welcome to my website. Hopefully, I will be making more frequent updates now. Lately I have been really ignoring this website, we shall see how long my interest lasts in it this time. Please feel free to shout out any comments to me, either by email or on my guestbook.
December 02nd, 2001 @ 10:30pm |
Okay then... I obviously haven't done anything here in a long, long time. I think maybe this time I may actually stick with it? We shall see. I found some new music recently that you might want to check out. One band is called Remy Zero. They have the theme song to the WB show Smallville (really great show, btw). Their website is Another good artis that I have found is Pete Yorn. This one was recommended to me by my Aunt, and it's really good. His website is I just wanted to get this main page updated tonight... I want to spend a little bit of time working on my music page before I upload that. Any comments, questions or suggestions? Please email them to me here. Also, please let me know if I can post your comments on this page. -Q
September 04th, 2000 @ 11:00am |
Alright... I'm still working on my redesign.. Things went a little slower than I had anticipated. I'm going to start with the quotes/random thoughts though. This will be on this main page and then archived later onto another page. So I've been doing a lot of thinking lately... Have you ever noticed how people just try to put you down when you try to change a little? For instance, I recently joined a gym.. I want to look better and feel better about myself. I've gotten nothing but ridicule from almost everybody since I started. What, I can't try to make myself better? I don't get people. Another thing I've realized: I hate my place in life. I don't like living where I live, I don't like working where I work. So I know I need to do something about this. At least I know this, now I can change things. I'd like to hear some feedback from people... who out there knows what they want out of life? I know what I want. It's not to be famous, to be enourmously wealthy, to be treated like royalty. It's really quite simple. I want to be happy. That's it. This is the one thing that I want. If I'm happy, I'll get through anything that I have to. Well, enough rambling. I'm going to start cracking on the redesign. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Please email them to me here. Also, please let me know if I can post your comments on this page. -Q
April 28th, 2000 @ 9:00pm |
Well, I finally got this up. I should have the whole redesign done fairly shortly, and then I can get into updating and adding content. Please note that the links will either resemble the old style or not come up at all during this redesign. I thank you for your patience. -Q