Yeah this page is about as dead as that huge bug I hit on the way home today.
MIDI choices.

Used to love the character of Snake Plissken in "Escape from New York" and the sequel in L.A.
Wow, I don't play Quake anymore.
A bit more about me with some visuals. It's depressing though, I would just as soon avoid it. I don't wanna delete it though, too many picture codes.

And now, some links for you.
Dead page even more than mine if it exists. she-tiger's Home Page
This was my sister's homepage. Does it exist? Cassandraa's Page
My first Quake clan's homepage. It's long since dead, why Geocities won't delete it is beyond me.
-=COD's Official Home Page=-
A long time ago now, a friend of mine and I created our own Doom II level. He did the design, I did the code. Anyway, feel free to take a copy of the map that we did.

You wanna talk to me? Why? Well, if you want to, email me at:
I'm on icq still at 1913920. I'm never visible, so if you get the feeling I'm there, try it.

Above MIDIs are as follows from left to right:

Final Fantasy III's Shadow, Celes, Rachel, and Daryl's theme;

Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit"; Marilyn Manson's "Sweet Dreams;"

the last MIDI is unknown to me, so if anyone can help, please do.

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