Welcome To The RoT Ring of Insanity Webring Headquarters
This RoT Webring is Operated By:
Jacob Masters

Welcome to the Official RoT Ring of Insanity Web Ring.
If you arrived here through surfing and are wondering what exactly a RoT is...
RoT is a MUD (Multi User Domain) code base.
MUDS are an online internet game that are text based and may take place in various settings from the medieval days of knights and dragons to the distant future of cyborgs and warp travel. Each MUD is unique in that the code is developed in order to meet the needs or wants of both the players and MUD site admins and coders.

To learn more about RoT and muds in general click here.

To learn more about the Web Ring click here.

As always, if anyone has any questions, please feel free to email me.
Jacob Masters
RoT Ring of Insanity "Ringmaster"

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