Charcaters, places, and incidents in the story are fictional,
and base on the charcaters, channels, and stories from the
IRC (Internet Rely Chat). People come together to roleplay
a character. There is more information at the end of the
story for IRC and channels.
I wish to thank my bro's and sis's in #niGhtpack,
#yore_inn, and #wolfcafe, that have helped my character in
the roleplaying. They are the most human (wolves) caring
people. They have also reminded me what friends are about.
I wish to thanks loGos, as it was though him that I was able
to meet my bro's and sis's. I want to thank Trakara for the drawing
of Trakara and Lady`. I would also like to thank my
husband for putting up with all my hours and late nights
of roleplaying, and pushing me more into the computer,
and helping me with this story.
@ }- ' - , -- Simple layout story -- , - ' -{ @ | @ }- ' - , -- Design layout story. -- , - ' -{ @ |