Hey there! I'm afraid I could not get any screenshots for my NES ROMs like I did with the SNES ones, sorry. However if there is a ROM here, there are 2 things you can tell about it:
#1)It's an RPG.
#2)It's a good RPG.
I Rate the games with my star system, 1-5. I only will put good RPGs on my site, so even if it got 2 or 3 stars it will still be a good game, but the 5 star ones are the pinnacle of greatness. As a refrence, a star looks like this: . Above all enjoy these ROMS.
You will need an NES Emulator to play these ROMS, if you do not have one, Click here to download one. It is called Biones, and it kicks @$$!

GoTo My 5-Star SNES ROMS page.

Go To My 5-Star NON-RPG ROM Page.

Go To My 5-Star Homepage.
My Pokémon page!

Earthbound, The NES Version. This is differant from the SNES verion, both worth checking out.

Final Fantasy. The one that started the entire Final Fantasy Series. I like it!

Final Fantasy 2! This game is great. It was never realsed in North America. Now here it is, fully translated and debugged, it rules.

The Legand Of Zelda The game that started it all, I love the zelda series.

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