If anything here is similar to another area on the internet,
it is purely coincidental. I do not plan on copying another
person's idea.
Meanwhile, enjoy my
List of other places in my hompage:
Playing My Ultima Online Game
-Find out the experiences, both good and bad, I have had in Utima Online by EA Games-
View my Guestbook
-Find Out Who has Visited This Homepage and What They Like-
Sign my Guestbook
-Finally, you get to "sign" it - I hope. Lol!-
Old December of 2007 Anouncements:
I am currently work at a warehouse doing
Quality Assurance and data entry.
I apologize if I do not update the website daily,
but I am busy working 10-hour days at my job.
For personal comments or ideas email me at
E-mail me there whenever you like.
Please come back soon and visit my homepage again.
I would also like to thank those people who have given me
wonderful suggestions.