So, when is this guy gonna re-model his webpage you ask?   Well, i finally got off my lazy &*% and started it, aren't you so proud of me? (if not i wont be offended, its ok, really).

Well, this is my lame excuse for a home page, im kinda re-doing it because i havnt touched the thing in almost a friggin' year, so i figured it was about time i replace my dead links and expired interests for a fresh new outlook on my life (even though you probably wont learn a thing about my life that is of any importance to you, especially considering i won't even put my real name on the page).

My Links, Visit them, they are worth it, trust me.

About me (includes a free picture with every visit*)

Dragons (pictures)

Unicorns (pictures)

sign my guestbook please

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Free guest book here

You can use the "HOME" button on any of the pages to return here

*Limited time offer, void where prohibited. Same picture
appears each visit. Picture © Nuclear Manhole (me). All

Photographs taken by some old lady that lives in my house

except the one on my page, taken by someone else.

No genius, this isnt a link to a page, its my e-mail address, use it if (for some unspeakable reason) you want to get ahold of me.

And now for the inevitable small print:
This page was made and is maintained by Nuclear Manhole (yes thats me). If you have any questions, comments, complaints, death threats, birthday presents, marriage proposals, miscilanious suggestions, large sums of money, or anything else i may or may not want that you feel like giving me, feel free to e-mail me, or ICQ me at 10449573.

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