Rabiddwarf's World of Warcraft Favorite Addons Page
Here is a list, and download links, to the current set of Addons  I am using after the update to 2.30. All of these addons have been updated for 2.3 or run without significant errors.  Enjoy! setup
ArkInventory - best sorting  inventory/onebag mod
Bongos 2 - awesome hotbar mod, easy to use and very flexible
EquipCompare - compares new gear with what you are already wearing
Fubar - awesome info bar
Fubar-AmmoFu - ammo info for fubar
Fubar-BagFu - shows used and total inventory slots on fubar
Fubar-ClockFu - time on fubar
Fubar-DurabilityFu - shows the durability of items on fubar
Fubar-ExperienceFu - configuarble xp stats for fubar
Fubar-FriendsFu - shows total and number of friends online with dropdown info
Fubar-LocationFu - shows level and method to get to different locations
Fubar-MoneyFu - shows total money for current and all characters
Fubar-PerformanceFu - performance stats for fubar (fps/mem/ping)
Fubar-SkillsPlusFu - dropdown list for skill totals
GrimoireKeeper - warlock mod, colors demon grims blue when already equiped
Mousetip - tooltip mod
OmniCC - shows cooldowns in varied forms
PhanxChat - Mod that enhances and simplifies the chat windows
Quartz - best casting bar out there
Quest-I-on - great quest log and tracker
Recap - tracks damage done and fps
Satrina Buff Frames - mod that allows customization of the buff icons
Perl Classic Unit Frames - changes the base character/pet/party/target frames

If any of the above links are broken drop me an
email to let me know, please.
screenshots are in widescreen mode