Welcome to the very best unofficial Banjo-Kazooie site on the web!
You are free to browse, check out the cheats and even
take a peak at the statagy guide if your really stuck.
Banjo-Kazooie is no doubt the best gme on the N64, and should be
bought by any N64 owner, at $89.95 Australian
and $49.99 American its a bargain!

I must send my deepest appologese, i havn't worked on this page for about 6 months! i decided to finally add a few neat little things to it, like make the index page a little better and easier, and add a couple of new midis, such as, Spiral Mountain, Clankers Cavern, Mumbo's Mountain and the Battle with Gruntilda's theme (which has to be my favourite). Thank you to all the tousands of peaople who have visited, keep coming! This page is still alive! But if you've wondering what I've been doing all this time, check out my Personal Page, and my Zelda Page.
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