an Emu on Acid's Humour Page
(an Emu on Acid's Humour
Question: What is the difference between Communism and a Macintosh?
Answer: In theory, Communism works!

Here is my personal selection of humour files, i
hope you enjoy 'em!
P.S. i got most of these files from: and they deserve credit!
Assimilate This:
Borg Taglines
200 Ways to Annoy
Your Roommate
50 Fun Things
for Professors to Do
100 Ways to
Order a Pizza
50 Fun Things
to do in an Elevator (besides sex)
You Know
you are addicted to Magic: The Gathering when...
Final Exam from
the Firery Depths of Hell
Drunk Joke (real
Famous Last
Dungeons and Dragons Words
30 Fun things to do in your car
45 Fun things to do with a paper you don't care about
50 Generally Annoying things to do
Why Canadians are SO MUCH BETTER than Americans
20 Fun things to do in a public washroom
30 Signs
Technology has Taken Over your life + Funny Joke Bonus
Other Stuffs
(jumble page!)
22 Ways to Annoy
Everyone using ICQ (i actually wrote this myself!)
Contact me if you have anything to
contribute (espicially One Liners)
E-mail Me -
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You should all know that Subspace is THE BEST GAME
You need to know that i'll be watching you drown-
I mean, uh, you need to know that if you like Subspace, you damn well
better buy the full version, unless of course, you are a masochist
and you enjoy Demo beats. And please, PUH-LEESE take the tutorial
unless, of course, you are a masochist and you enjoy newbie
To all Tenants:
Please don't feed the
The Management
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