Wow, An update! Hey everyone, I have been working on my full prog Frozen, due sometime early next year. That and scholl have kept me very busy, thats why it'll take me so long. Soon there will be a ti83 help selection along with my personal vb help and bas's and all that good stuff. So just keep visiting every few days and maybe I will have added something. Oh and also you can email me at (if you do email me please use any internet account other than aol or i wont get ur email. thanx -Fikal

FiKaL's Programms
FiKaL Room BusterFastest on ALL Aol versions except 4.0
FikaL PunterTons of Error methods and 4.0,2.5 methods
Frozen AntiThe best anti for Aol 30-16 & 32 Bit!
The Official FiKaL RoomAol Only