Hi, Thanks for visiting my web page. It's still new but I am working on it as much as I can.

This page will be about all kinds of Computer and console games.
I am working on a StarCraft page, a MUD page and a few others that I hope to have up within a week or two. This site will be continually updated until I get it to where I am happy with it so come back and visit me often to see what's new. I have my StarCraft page mostly done and it is now home to the StarCraft Exodus Clan :)
Check out some of my Game Pages.

[StarCraft] [FFTactics] [MUDS] [Free Stuff] [*New* Granstream Saga]
[*New* Final Fantasy 8!] [*New* Zelda 64]

The Clock!

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...or Check out my Final Fantasy Tactics Page

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Links to other sites on the Web. If you have a web site and want me to link you, mail me. Or if you would like to link me, feel free :)

My favortite search engine
Take A Look At My Friends Cool Web Page
A Great Final Fantasy Tactics Page
A Very Interesting Page about Interesting Things
A Page Full of Chrono Trigger, FFVII, Pics and Music Files

Please email with comments or suggestions at jwagon@geocities.com

Check out that web page!
Final Fantasy Tactics Xtreme - Cheats, Codes, Secrets etc. on this masterpiece made by Squaresoft.

GSNGame Sites Network
