DDarkstorm's adventures in the Kingdom of the Winds. Last updated: Friday April 24, 2009.
June 22, 2004.  YES, I do still exist.  This page almost didn't, it went inactive due to the length of time since the last update. 

The last typing here was some gobbeldygook about some girl from the game.  I have learned my lesson about that stuff ehehe.  Don't take game relationships too seriously, all you are going to get is hurt.

I still love the game, and especially my clan.  There will ~never~ be a clan equal to Sunmoon.  Just wish I had the proper time to put into it but IRL has me almost constantly busy.  Just glad they understand and keep me even though I am not there enough to give the kind of clan participation I would like to give.
Just remember-online love-its a GAME!
Nexus is a graphical multi user dungeon type enviornment. It is half MUD and half RPG. By this point, there is so much to do I can't begin to tell you what I have more fun with.  I love my clan (Sunmoon).  I love all my friends. I laugh so hard when people hero worship me.  I am just a plain old player, which is what I tell them when they act like I am something more than they are. Funny, lately people think I am an NPC cause I dont get there enuff.
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This is the entry room, IE, the taverns.  This is how I looked when I was first born in the game.  I have gone for a darker, poutier look now though.  When I had this look I didn't seem to get much respect, and all the guys kept hitting on me thinking I was a girl. Ehehehe.  Took over a year to convince one of  them I really was a guy.
If you have ideas, want to see something specific added, or have something you want to contribute to my page, email me.
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Original page creation date: October 1, 1998, by DDarkstorm. All Nexus graphics are (c)opyrighted by Nexon, Inc. 

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Link to my twin brother SRyeder's page. This is what I am currently working on.
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