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Welcome to Quakemania!!

What a beautiful family pic!! Makes you want to give them a big sloppy.....rocket to the face.








Hats off to the brain trust that is responsible for all this fun!!

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Created by Neteru
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Cool Quake/2 Links

Planetquake is the epicenter of everything Quake. This place has it all. Quake, Quake 2, maps, mods, tips, hints, and anything else you might be looking for.

If you love mods, then this is perfect for you. Planetquake highlights a new mod every week. All of them with new and interesting elements. This one has a lot of stuff as well. Lots of maps, news, and interesting stuff.

Blue's News is an interesting site for breaking Quake III, and Trinity news.

For those of you who like massive team games, Team Fortress might be for you. Check out a great page at

Check out the unofficial Quake 3 FAQ for breaking Quake 3: Arena news. ( Hopefully we'll get some more screenshots soon.)

Quake 2000 also has some interesting news.Lots of new stuff here as well.

Other Cool Sites

Hockey, hockey, hockey. The Detroit Red Wings are one of the finest teams out there. This fan's site is an excellent source for all you hockey lovers out there.